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Covering North Kent, Graham is your local specialist for tile cleaning, stone cleaning, grout cleaning and tile, stone and grout sealing covering the restoration of all types of stone and tiled flooring.
Servicing the county of Gloucester, Malcolm is your local specialist for tile cleaning, stone cleaning, grout cleaning and tile, stone and grout sealing covering the restoration of all types of stone and tile.
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Stone Milling
Milling cuts deeper into the stone or tile than Burnishing, allowing for the removal of a heavily worn layer and revealing new stone underneath. These pads come in different sizes, types and grits, designed for the complete regeneration of stone surfaces and achieve results that go far beyond polishing. Uses:
Method of Application:
6 Inch 50-grit very coarse diamond milling Pad for resurfacing stone floors.
6 Inch 100 Grit Very Coarse Grey Stone Resurfacing Pad
6 Inch 200 Grit Coarse Blue Stone Resurfacing Pad
17 Inch 50-grit very coarse diamond milling Pad for resurfacing stone floors.
17 Inch 100 Grit very coarse diamond milling Pad for resurfacing rough stone floors after milling. Can also be used for cleaning Victorian floor tiles.
17 Inch Coarse 200-grit diamond Milling Pad for resurfacing stone floors after milling. Can also be used for cleaning Victorian floor tiles.
Set of four hand use burnishing blocks in 60, 100, 200 and 400 grit blocks ideal for use in restricted spaces. Use only Water.
Black 120 grit diamond burnishing block ideal for use in restricted spaces. Use only Water.
Green 60 grit diamond burnishing block ideal for use in restricted spaces. Use only Water.
Red 200 grit diamond burnishing block ideal for use in restricted spaces. Use only Water.
Yellow 400 grit diamond burnishing block ideal for use in restricted spaces. Use only Water.
Extra Coarse 17 inch 50 grit milling pad with DRB (Diamond Resin Block) segments for milling rough or uneven stone floors and resolving lippage issues.
Very Coarse 17 inch 100 grit milling pad with DRB (Diamond Resin Block) segments for milling rough or uneven stone floors and resolving lippage issues.
Coarse 17 inch 200 grit milling pad with DRB (Diamond Resin Block) segments for milling rough or uneven stone floors and resolving lippage issues.
6 inch 50 grit Diamond Floor Pad with Flexi Segment
6 inch 100 grit Diamond Floor Pad with Flexi Segment
6 inch 200 grit Diamond Floor Pad with Flexi Segment
6 inch 400 grit Diamond Floor Pad with Flexi Segment
6 inch 800 grit Diamond Floor Pad with Flexi Segment
6 inch 1500 grit Diamond Floor Pad with Flexi Segment
17 inch 50 grit Diamond Floor Pad with Flexi Segment
17 inch 100 grit Diamond Floor Pad with Flexi Segment
17 inch 200 grit Diamond Floor Pad with Flexi Segment
17 inch 400 grit Diamond Floor Pad with Flexi Segment
17 inch 800 grit Diamond Floor Pad with Flexi Segment
17 inch 1500 grit Diamond Floor Pad with Flexi Segment
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